Rabbit Adoption
£80, this includes neutering & vaccinations
External bonds - minimum donation £150
Adoption bonds - suggested donation £80
Full groom including nail clip - £25
Nail clip - £10
Health check & Advice
We ask a donation towards our efforts for this service
£15 - We can also chip dogs!
​Sue, a YRR trustee has been on a spiritual journey for over 30 years and over that time has explored many different avenues including crystals, Reiki, channelling and Tarot / Oracle reading.
She was first drawn to the power of crystals by pure accident but then became fascinated by them and realised that each crystal she was drawn to had the properties for what she needed at that moment in her life, whether it be grounding, protection, balancing or for a specific illness or symptom. She recently decided to write social media posts about specific crystals or groups pf crystals for animal healing in order to help others understand a little more about these beautiful stones (You can find our 'Crystal Of The Month' in the YRR news letter which you can sign up to from our home page). She is happy to take questions on which crystals will help with a specific issue, for example she can put together a calming set for nervous rabbits, a set to help with pain if they suffer with arthritis, a set to help with bowel issues etc. Please note these are to help alongside veterinary care.
During conversations about physical or emotional health she is often heard to say " I've got a crystal for that".
​Crystal healing is a tried and trusted form of healing that works alongside veterinary care. Each crystal used will help with different physical and / or emotional issues. These sets can be bought via our website / email. (We would of course need to know what the specific issues are in order to choose and programme the crystals for your pet.)
Crystal Therapy Sets For Animal Healing
These are put together specifically for your pet's needs and will usually comprise of a set of three crystals programmed to aid your pet in conjunction with any veterinary products \ interventions. Price dependant on number and type of crystals required.
For instance a therapy set for GI Stasis would comprise of:
Quartz crystal, which is known as the 'Master Healer', Citrine, perfect for any digestive system issue, Blue Lace Agate, a calming and soothing crystal for calming stress and anxiety. This set would cost £6 including P&P within the UK and includes full instructions on how to use them.
​​​​​​​Crystal Grids
Crystal grids can also be put together for your pet and programmed in the same way as the crystal therapy sets
Price dependant on number and type of crystals required.

Animal Reiki Treatment
Animal Reiki is the offering of energy healing to animals. Animals do not communicate with us in the same way as we communicate with each other, they cannot say this hurts or is injured etc. However, animals are inherently more ‘aware of’ and ‘understanding of’ energy than we generally are and use it to determine if strangers are a danger to them. Many animals naturally appear to be very accepting of this calm energy; and practitioners often see and feel an animal push its body into their hands to show exactly where it wishes to receive energy healing.
As with humans, Reiki may benefit animals with physical, mental or emotional issues and consequently this holistic complementary therapy may also be of help for animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.
Practical reasons for offering Reiki to animals:
It is a non-invasive healing modality requiring nothing but a Reiki practitioner and her/ his hands
There is no need to move or disrupt an animal. It can be given to them wherever they are
It complements and supports conventional veterinary care
The animal is in control at all times. Reiki cannot be forced upon an animal. They choose to take it for as long as and how they wish
It is relaxing, so may help pre-treatment /post-operative care
Reiki always works for an animal’s greatest and highest good
Depending on the situation and the animal, one session or a number of sessions may be necessary. Every animal is unique and so natural variances will apply.
Reiki therapy can be given in person, depending on location, or via distance healing; either way will work for your pet although wherever possible we prefer to do this in person.
Reiki is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural, calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals. When the body is relaxed, it is in a state when it is best able to naturally heal itself and recover from illness, injury or other stresses to the body.
We also offer the following Alternative Treatment