How to Recognise When Your Rabbit is Unwell
Rabbits are prey animals and will therefore hide their symptoms when they get unwell. This is a defence mechanism that remains in domesticated animals from their ancestors; in the wild a predator is more likely to go after an animal that is showing signs of weakness.

A hunched posture and partially closed eyes can indicate your rabbit is unwell

Tummy pressing shows discomfort and possible pain.
This means we need to pay close attention to our rabbit’s habits and ‘body language.’ We want to pick up on any signs of illness early; remember because they will hide symptoms the changes in behaviour are usually very subtle and by the time illness is obvious its usually too late. Subtle signs can include being less active, eating less than normal or not being excited when food is offered when they usually would be, drinking less or much more than normal for them, their fur isn't as clean as it normally is, sleeping much more, or not being interested in things around them when they are normally inquisitive. This is why it is so important to understand what is 'normal' for your rabbit and to be vigilant for how much they are eating, pooping, how much energy they have and what their normal body positions are on a daily basis.
This is another reason why annual vet check ups at the same time as when vaccines are due are important, especially for inexperienced rabbit carers as signs can be missed.
Please find below a list of illnesses and issues rabbits can suffer from. They are linked to pages with more information. We hope you find this useful.
Myxomatosis - this is one of the three diseases your rabbit should be vaccinated against.
Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD1 and RVHD2 also known as RHD1 and RHD2) - there are two strains of this and this is the second and third disease that your rabbit should be vaccinated against; both of these and the myxomatosis vaccine are usually received as a single vaccine.
Dental disease - a rabbits teeth continuously grow which can cause issues for them.
Digestive issues - rabbits have a sensitive digestive system and it can cause multiple issues if they are not fed the correct diet.
E. Cuniculi (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) - this is a parasite which can affect the brain or kidneys.
Flystrike - if your rabbits are not kept clean flies are attracted to them to lay their eggs which can lead to fatal issues.
Respiratory issues - Coming soon
Urinary issues - Coming soon
Eye / Ear issues - Coming soon
Coat / Nails - Coming soon
Weight Loss / Gain - Coming soon
Post operative care
Rabbits are not great at regulating their own body temperature after an anaesthetic so we would advise if they are not house rabbits that they are kept warm inside for a minimum of 24 hours. Longer if your rabbit isn't recovering very well.
If your rabbit has a wound its advisable to keep them on soft bedding such as 'vetbed' or fleece blankets this is to ensure animal bedding doesn't get stuck to them. (Shavings and sawdust should not be used with rabbits in todays modern care routines as it can be an irritant for their respiratory system and eyes.)
It's important to try to get your rabbit eating as soon as possible after a surgery; stress and pain can cause them not to eat which could lead to GI Stasis. Offer them any of their favourites to get them eating again, if they still choose not to by the end of the day its important to start syringe feeding them, your vet should have given you advice on this. If you are in any doubt about your rabbits' recovery phone your vet immediately.